Tuesday, February 23, 2010

006: How To Guide Your Child

Dear Readers:This advice column continues to be syndicated by a new dark arts and alternative newspaper launched recently in Portland, Oregon called The Portland Outsider.

My column appears bi-weekly as '
Ask Beatnik Betty'. I look forward to this unique cultural publishing medium. If you are local to the Portland area, please pick up a copy at one of various local coffeeshops, bookstores, and nightclubs. Below is the second entry to appear in Issue #002 of The Portland Outsider just last week. 

Dear Beatnik Betty: 

I believe that we are all born with lessons in life we are to learn. I have a two-year-old daughter and would like to know what lessons are in store for her and how I can help make her learning them easier for her so she can live a great and productive life. 

--Celestine Momma

Dear Celestine Momma,

It is so lovely to hear from a spiritual parent so concerned with a little one's future success. It is indeed a tough world we live in, growing ever more complex in nature, and she surely has many challenges to conquer as she grows up. Allow me to channel some words from the Goddess...

Certainly, her mind will need to be balanced, clear, and effective. Helping her learn how to solve her own problems, take time to consider different perspectives, and know when to ask for help when she needs it, will strengthen her inner resolve and self-reliance.

Her heart will need to be filled with comfort, reassurance, and solidarity. Any holes or insecurities that creep in will weigh heavily. Encouraging her to use her mind (see above) to understand her feelings, and learning not to be too hard on herself if she fails, while still holding on to her values and integrity, will serve her well. 

Also, her spirit will require feeding. This world asks very much of us as human beings, and we are constantly faced with experiences that force us to question our values and beliefs. Allowing her to use her mind and heart (see above) to seek these answers through meditation, prayer, reflection, community, and ritual, will empower her and surround her with confidence, resources, wisdom, and inspiration. 

Please allow me now to draw upon the Tarot to further expound upon your question. One for information about what lessons are in store for her, and the second to explain how you can help her learn them:  

Her Lessons:
The Hanged Man here implies that she may be required to make certain sacrifices in life for some higher cause or reason. It is a card that conjures up images of Prometheus, or even Christ. Prometheus is known for having stolen Fire from the gods and giving it to humankind, even though he knew he would upset the gods and be punished for it. With this card, she may be asked to voluntarily make sacrifices that may be difficult, but will ultimately lead to something better and more valuable for her.  

How to Help:
Here, the Five of Cups brings up the issue of regret, sadness, and loss. It is clear to me that you will be her greatest strength. You will help her to move forward from heartbreak and disappointment, and help her to see that it is not the end of the world by any means, and that she can always wake up tomorrow, start a brand new day, and try again until she succeeds.

Celestine Momma, your lovely daughter has her work cut out for her in this world, but I feel she will make some great contributions to her community with what she sets out to accomplish. And I also see that as she continues to maintain faith, hope, and love, she will be pleasantly surprised by the long-term results of her efforts, despite any suffering she may come across in her journey.

Many blessings to you both, and may the Goddess surround you with light and love.

- Beatnik Betty

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