Friday, January 23, 2009

Oh, Betty Mo'!

It is just starting to settle down in the District of Columbia today from the week's momentous Inaugural activities. For as close as I live to our new President Barack Obama, I could roll a crystal ball down the street and it would ring the doorbell to the gate of the White House in just 20 minutes.

Although I look forward to the many positive changes so anticipated on macroscopic levels, I admit I am hoping for more selfish, personal evolution and growth, in many forms. As an ambitious woman in my late twenties, I've payed my dues and toiled relentlessly at a handful of decent jobs that payed little respect, opportunity for advancement, or livable wages. There is some semblance of a career that is forming and I have long-term goals that I aim for and sometimes reach. I stay active in creative communities and activist networks, and somehow manage to keep myself busy and alive during these trying times.

I don't claim to be an expert on any aspect of life, but I keep myself open to wisdom, inspiration, and practical knowledge. For many years, I have studied spirituality, psychology and relationships. I yield my failures and suffering and experience and achievements to great lessons and a burning ambition which have shaped the person I am today.

A part of me is compelled to offer thoughts and advice to whomever could use an empathetic and intuitive ear and some practical advice to guide actions toward balance and sanity. If there's something I haven't directly experienced, I likely know someone who has. In response to questions that may be asked, I may sometimes consult other sources of research to refer you to, or perhaps reflect in a spiritual way using Tarot cards or meditation to direct my answer.

Thank you for joining me, and, please open your minds and hearts to identify the question I can answer for you.

Forward marching,
Betty Mo'

***Please leave your questions for advice in a comment below, or e-mail


  1. Dear Betty,

    I have recently married and things are going great! The only dark cloud on the horizon has to do with children. My husband and I have talked about it a lot, and neither of us want to be parents, for several reasons -- but I have the feeling that our own parents will be very, very disappointed. I have one sister, and my husband had two siblings, and none of them have kids yet (we're the first of all the offspring to get married). We live far away from our parents, so we don't see them very often, but I'm anxious about the questions that will eventually start coming about kids. We're both in our early thirties, so it's not like we have a ton of time left, so I expect we'll get the questions soon. Anyway, I appreciate any advice you can give. Thanks!

  2. Thanks for your question, I'll get back to you soon!

